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10 Professions That Allow Concealed Carry Handguns by Ben Jimenez
8 min read
Whether you want to ensure that you are protected and prepared to protect others on the job or you just don't want to go anywhere without your concealed carry handgun, there are a variety of professions that will allow you to bring your firearm with you in your IWB tuckable holster.
Many of these jobs do not involve law enforcement or private security and, with the rise of mass-shooting incidents where innocent civilians are unprotected, more companies are allowing concealed carry on their premises.
It's important to note that while carrying concealed may be allowed by your employer, there are still areas where firearms restrictions may apply, including federal and state buildings and school zones. Ensure that you are familiar with your local jurisdiction's laws before assuming that your job overrides these prohibitions.
Does My Company Allow Concealed Carry?
In some professions, you may be able to concealed carry at work, whether you're in an office, you're a driver, or you’re in another profession. There are a few ways you can find out whether your company has a policy against carrying firearms on company property. You can start by:
Checking the employee handbook
Checking to see if your company is a "gun-free zone" by looking for appropriate signage
Talking to Human Resources
Talking to your supervisor or the owner of the company
Some states have laws that interfere with company policies on banning guns while on the premises. It's important to find out local state laws that address this issue before you approach your company about carrying concealed while on the job.
Sometimes, a calm and sensible approach to the company's owner or your supervisor can help you change their minds or get them to agree to allow you to carry concealed on the premises. Ways you can help plead your case include:
Producing certificates showing firearms training you've completed.
Producing copies of your license to carry, or related certifications.
Outlining deficits in security or policies at the company, and how your concealed carry weapon can help solve these problems.
Discussing the company's policy and action plan during active shooter situations and suggesting ways that properly trained and certified concealed carry employees can help de-escalate or end these scenarios.
Suggesting to your employer that they should designate one or more employees to undergo extensive firearms and active shooter training classes and be allowed to concealed carry at work. The names of these employees should not be revealed to other employees and concealed carrying should be kept discreet.
If you've looked through your employee handbook and spoken to HR and cannot find an explicit policy regarding firearms, don't just assume it's okay to carry concealed on your company's property. While many believe that since it's concealed carry, it won't be visible in your leather gun holster, you never want to make your coworkers or boss uncomfortable should you need to use your firearm or if it should accidentally become visible.
Be upfront about your intentions to concealed carry, especially if it is protected by the state. Honesty is always the best policy. If you do not reveal your concealed carry intentions, it may be viewed as dishonest, subversive, or even threatening. People's attitudes about guns vary widely, and you don't want to be seen as a threat when you are simply trying to ensure your safety at work.
1. Real Estate Agents
While you may not expect a real estate agent to feel the need to carry a concealed handgun, they are bringing clients to homes and spaces alone. Many of these homes are still occupied by the owners, and they have valuables that may be desirable to people who pose as clients to get inside.
There have also been instances where a real estate agent has arrived at a supposedly empty property only to find it occupied by squatters or vagrants who are not supposed to be there. If the real estate agent is alone, their safety could be put at risk by those they are interrupting.
Many states allow real estate agents to carry concealed inside of their show homes, while others are restricted by company policy. Ultimately, it is always a good idea, especially for women, to make sure they are protected when they are going to be alone with clients they do not know.
2. Armored Car Security
While armored cars are rarely robbed, the risk is still considerable enough that armored car drivers and guards must be armed while on the job. Training is usually provided by the armored car company, and some companies also provide weapons, including long guns and handguns.
Unfortunately, the pay for an armored car driver or guard is not enough to run the risk of being robbed. However, if the company is willing to provide the training and weapons, it may be worth it to use this kind of job as a stepping-stone into private security jobs or law enforcement.
3. Private Security
Many companies are looking for men and women to patrol their grounds at night and during the day, and to keep watch over cameras, doors, and other areas to ensure employees and property are kept safe.
Not all private security companies require a concealed carry firearm, so, if you are looking for a job that will provide training, a firearm, or allow you to carry while at work, the local mall is probably not the security job you are looking for. Instead, look for privately owned businesses, retailers, and technology companies. You may need a strong résumé to apply for these jobs, so you might have to take one of the entry-level jobs first to work your way up into the higher-paying, concealed carry security jobs.
Professional private security is another avenue that also requires significant experience. If you are ex-military or law enforcement, your chances of getting a job in this field are much higher.
4. Federal Flight Deck Officer
Any member of the flight crew on a commercial flight can undergo extensive training to become certified as a Federal Flight Deck Officer, or FFDO. The FFDO program, run by the TSA, trains pilots and copilots, flight engineers, and flight navigators to become certified to "use firearms to defend against an act of criminal violence and air piracy while attempting to gain control of an aircraft."
Essentially, you can become an onboard police officer, certified as a deputy Air Marshal, to ensure the safety of the plane should anyone become disruptive or try to take over the aircraft. If you are looking to enter the airline industry and wish to also concealed carry, this may be a great career option.
5. Private Investigator
Even though the majority of a private investigator's job is spent on computers or phones doing research, there are occasions when they have to travel to find out more about their subject, and this could place them in potentially dangerous situations. If the subject finds out they are being followed or if they are associated with people or areas which are not safe, a private investigator should have their concealed carry firearm handy in case a situation goes south.
6. Law Enforcement
When people think of jobs where you can concealed carry a gun, most think of law enforcement. As a police officer, you will receive extensive training in firing a variety of firearms, and you will be required to renew your firearms training annually. There are many avenues of law enforcement which require the regular use and handling of firearms, along with the benefits of allowing you to carry concealed.
According to the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) of 2004, "Qualified current law enforcement officers and qualified retired law enforcement officers [can] carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws, with certain exceptions."
The following is a list of just some of the law enforcement positions which allow you to carry a handgun:
Police officer
Corrections officer
Customs agents
Border patrol agents
FBI agents
CIA agents
Homeland Security officers
U.S. Marshals
Secret Service officers
Sheriff's deputy
DEA agents
Immigration officers
U.S. Postal Service Inspectors
U.S. Park Rangers
7. Military
The LEOSA law also allows military police and qualified troops to concealed carry off-duty in all 50 states with some restrictions. If you enter the military, you will receive some weapons training in boot camp, but many choose to take their love of firing guns to the next level. There are several opportunities, especially within the Marines and the Army, to progress into expert, sharpshooter, and marksman designation.
Not only are you able to handle a firearm daily in many military positions, but being able to concealed carry off-base is an added benefit for many military service members. National Guardsmen and Army Reserve members who also work in law enforcement will have the ability to carry personal weapons without violating federal laws or Department of Defense restrictions.
8. Gun Store Clerk or Gun Range Safety Officer
If you love guns and would love an excuse to carry one concealed all day, in addition to helping others learn new things about new guns, working in a gun store or at a gun range is a great option. As a gun store clerk, carrying concealed is always a good idea. Gun stores are at risk of being held up by criminals who can't get their hands on guns legally. Unhappy or unbalanced clientele can also be a reason to concealed carry.
Gun range safety officers keep an eye on the shooting activity in the gun range at all times. They also conduct and organize range operations and shooting activities. If gun range visitors want to try a new gun, the gun range safety officer can offer assistance with the gun and instruction on how to use it properly. It's a great way to teach new shooters while also carrying concealed.
9. Some Teaching Jobs
With the unfortunate frequency of school shootings, many states are considering legislation which allows teachers and other designated school employees to concealed carry. Some schools have already begun allowing employees to carry while teaching or working on school grounds. The popularity of this line of defense in the classroom is gaining momentum with each subsequent incident, as many school employees feel the shooter can be stopped sooner if more employees are armed.
Adding to the popularity of this idea is the cost-saving measure of having more armed employees instead of hiring a full-time security guard with benefits. It's also challenging to have one security guard patrolling large school buildings with multiple floors.
The debate surrounding this idea will likely continue, especially since some of the schools and states considering allowing this line of defense aren't outlining strict requirements for who will be allowed to carry, and what training they will have to undergo to qualify. For now, the teaching jobs are out there in the less than 20 states which allow for the possibility for teachers to carry concealed.
10. Firearms Instructor
If you already have extensive experience in firearms and love to teach new gun users about proper safety and shooting, becoming an NRA-certified firearms instructor will be the perfect job for you. You can conceal carry while on the job, especially because most of these classes are held in gun ranges. You'll be able to talk about, use, and shoot guns, all while teaching others how to handle them responsibly.
A firearms instructor is the quintessential job for any gun lover, and the rewards of your work are also visible when you watch your students successfully complete your course.
Final Thoughts
There are many professions which should allow concealed carry while on duty in an IWB tuckable holster but do not. The ones that do are unique opportunities to bring an additional layer of security with you while you're on the job. If you want your company to allow concealed carry, talk to your employer sensibly and plead your case. While it may not always be a successful discussion, you may plant the seeds for enhanced security policies to help make your workplace safer. Ben Jimenez Leave a comment Comments will be approved before showing up. Name Email Comment Also in Concealment Express Blog
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